sábado, mayo 18, 2024
States in México

Veracruz recognizes the exemplary application of republican austerity in the Judicial Branch / @CuitlahuacGJ @GobiernoVer >>>

#EstadoDeVeracruz.- Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez recognized the decision of the State Judiciary for adhering to the plan of republican austerity with a 10 percent reduction in the salaries of magistrates and the waiver of their bonuses, as it is a reference even for the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

«Today Veracruz sets an example at the national level because the majority of magistrates and counselors have decided to join this policy that eliminates historical privileges, in a call to their counterparts to make social awareness of their duties,» he said.

Along with the annual savings of 17 million 190 thousand pesos that this means, another of the transformations of the Superior Court of Justice is that it is mainly made up of women, which ensures not only the expeditious application of the law, but also a better administration of resources.

The presiding magistrate of the Judicial Branch, Lisbeth Aurelia Jiménez Aguirre, expressed that such measure has allowed redirecting the budget to the modernization of procedures and the professionalization of personnel; an example of this is the inauguration of the first virtual room to train elements of the 21 districts and reduce travel costs.

«The reduction of our perceptions does not affect the quality of our work and efficiency consolidates us as a strong and austere institution. We join the plan with a perspective of social responsibility, always thinking of the people of Veracruz and the correct administration of justice».

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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